2009 – Shepparton HIM


This was my first race back in the saddle, so to speak.  I had done my first half in 2005, and full IM in 2006.  Then 3 off years of nothing much (except eating and drinking…….).  This was the start of my first comeback trail, and an interesting episode.  The scene was Kialla Lakes, Shepparton, with s swim in the lake and ride and run around the area.

Being pretty new to this caper, I was still learning the ropes of what gear was the best for me.  I had planned on doing the bike and run in tri shorts and a bike jersey, so was just going to put my wetsuit over my shorts an an undershirt singlet.  Unfortunately for me, the lake was pretty darn warm and it was called a non-wetsuit swim.  That meant I was swimming in shorts and a loose undershirt that started white and came out brown (yep, Kialla Lakes is pretty muddy).  It also showed all the wobble bits and consequently an array of very unflattering photos trying to run to my bike !


I was on an old roadbike which I set up to “look” like a tri bike. Some of the photos make it look like I did an OK job.  Pretty uneventful bike – had fun, and put in a time I was happy with.


In the leadup, I had been having some abdominal pains when I ran.  A bunch of tests hadn’t come back anything conclusive, so I gave it my best – but it was hard when every step felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach with a blunt knife.

I ran when I could and walked when I had to.  I didn’t have to resort to crawling and just never gave up.  It was a pretty hot day, and at the finish line they’d been soaking everyone’s finish towel in iced water – felt pretty awesome when draped around your neck!

I was pretty happy with my foray back into triathlon, and was excited about signing p for my next race.  Turns out it would be another full IM – IMWA in Busselton.  What a trip!

shephi09_swim  3shephi09_bike2 Shep half 2009


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